Advanced Amino is an optimal biostimulant providing more energy and vitality. Thanks to enzymatic (natural) hydrolysis and microfiltration, the plant can immediately use the active organic amino acids. Growth and flowering in all conditions will improve and plants will naturally become more resilient: more efficient photosynthesis, better CO2 uptake, less stress sensitivity, fuller flowering and fruit set and better root activity.

Advanced Amino has the highest content of free absorbable amino acids, is suitable for all plant species and can be used in combination with solid and liquid fertilizers. Advanced Amino is particularly suitable for plants that need an extra dose of energy, for example in the early growth phase when the leaf surface is sufficiently large, shortly after pruning, under high radiation (assimilation lighting) or before bud and flower set.

Advanced Amino can be added throughout the entire growth and flowering phase. In case of stress, the dosage can be increased.

The recommended dose is 0.2 – 0.3 ml per 1 litre. Add at every fertilisation. If you use foliar fertilisation, the recommended dosage is 2 ml per litre.
Shake well before use.

Why choose Advanced Amino
▪ Increases the efficiency of photosynthesis.
▪ Increases natural resistance and vitality (greener and stronger leaves).
▪ Improves root activity.
▪ Thicker stems with more branching.
▪ Better and more vigorous flower set: QUALITY.
▪ Better use of fertilisers and plant protection.

Available in: 60ml – 100ml – 250ml – 500ml – 1ltr